Proposal review & editing
FUTURE AND Emerging technologiES
emerging paradigms and communities
Specific Challenge
To explore and consolidate a new technological direction in order to put it firmly on the map as a viable paradigm for future technology. To foster the interdisciplinary communities that are able to drive this forward, extending from the participating consortia to a wider European pool of expertise. To stimulate the emergence of a European innovation eco-system around a new technological paradigm, well beyond the world of research alone.
Proposals are sought for cutting-edge high-risk / high-reward research and innovation projects that aim to demonstrate a new technological paradigm within the scope of one of the following sub-topics:
a. Artificial Intelligence for extended social interaction.
b. Breakthrough zero-emissions energy storage and conversion technologies for carbon-neutrality
c. Digital twins for the life-sciences
d. Measuring the unmeasurable –– Sub-nanoscale science for Nanometrology
Key review aspects
Is there a new technological paradigm with game changing potential, currently unreachable through current path?
Is the consortium well-balanced, with complementary but no redundancy expertise?
To what extent is the project main idea and the partners´ knowledge base interdisciplinary?
Is collaboration perceived as real and not just cosmetic, driven by joint goals and mutual learning?
Is there enough flexibility in the work-plan to mitigate the inherent risk and make the scientific ambitions plausibly attainable within the lifetime of the project?
To what extent is the research novel and not simply an incremental refinement of past scientific efforts?
Is the work-plan properly defined and consistent throughout the proposal, with clear descriptions of work packages, tasks, deliverables and milestones?
Is the allocation of resources to tasks and between partners appropriate?
Are the proposed timescales to complete each stage of the work realistic?
Are links to the ecosystem around the project/consortium established and actions to involve downstream stakeholder included?
Choose the right scheme for you
I tailor my services to each consortium´s needs, from a single thourough review of an advanced draft, up to continous back-and-forth reviews and feedback until the official deadline.
Contact me for more details.